Part 27: MEchitza

With what is easily the roughest part of the game finally past us, it's time for us to start a new path once more; we got a new set of directives, so no point in holding off on using them. Starting from the beginning of the flowchart:
Ancora 'wakes up' in the classroom, and after introducing herself, decides to keep talking to Invidia. After they solve the puzzle and leave the classroom, they run into Ira, Avaritia, and Tristitia, and Ancora meets Tristitia first. Luxuria and Gula exit their room without the ninth person. ME explains some more of the rules, and after she's done, Ancora talks to Luxuria first. The group make their way into what was known as the Crossroads when the school was open, and in the process Superbia hits her helmet on the doorframe and is incapacitated. Ancora takes this opportunity to speak to Luxuria some more.
The group split up to search for more ME-cards so they can initiate the first voting session, and this gives Ancora the opportunity to hack into another person's helmet; she decides to hack Luxuria's helmet. This is how she learns that Luxuria and Gula had a direct hand in the death of the ninth person, as well as that Luxuria intentionally left a ME-card hidden in one of the side classrooms. She uses this information to her advantage by turning the group's focus off of her and onto the other suspicious people, but in the process accidentally reveals information she couldn't have known. However, in the process, Luxuria drops the mask enough that the group decides to vote for them anyway, leading to Luxuria being executed.
At this point, Ancora seems to react to a vision of some kind, leading the group to write her strange behavior off as her being mentally unstable and, in turn, unreliable; however, after she leaves and solves the puzzle to lead to the next area by herself, they decide to still allow her to come with them to the next puzzle rooms...
BGM: Meridianus
The group was, for the major part, in agreement. Gula had remained almost completely silent since Luxuria had died. After a second or so, she decided to join them again, still mute to all attempts at conversation on the way. It was like she didn't really know what she was going to do anymore.
As they set off towards the new set of doors, Ancora...

We're going to be walking with Tristitia this time around.
At first, the horse was a little bothered that Ancora came near him to walk towards Wing A. After a few seconds, he addressed her on the subject of her visions, while the others spoke aloud a bit further ahead.

The two of them kept to themselves afterwards, though the resulting silence wasn't allowed to go on for very long.
From here, the group reaches the intersection where the next three doors are, and Tristitia and Superbia break off from the group to head towards the far door. Ancora ignores their departure and turns to Invidia and the others to prepare for the next puzzle room. She joins Ira and Avaritia, and the trio enter their puzzle room to find a lavish mansion foyer, with a strange throne room next door. The Enneagram of Personality features prominently in this room, with the answer being which person in their group is guilty of murder. In the process of examining the room, the team finds a gun that Ira immediately takes away. The answer is eventually determined to be Helper, and the trio leave the room. The rest slowly make their way into the hallway to see him with the gun still out, but Ira is eventually disarmed by Superbia. The group realizes the time for voting has almost ran out, but that they are still one ME-card short. A fight breaks out between Gula and Superbia, which leads to Superbia reloading the pistol and shooting Gula dead. The group split up from here to process and gather their thoughts, and Ancora takes this opportunity to find a quiet place where she can hack into somebody's helmet...
BGM: Metis

We have his directives, so it's time to hack Tristitia.

BGM: Mens Metis

I think the reason his directives weren't actually said in full (to us) is because the directives are a mouthful this time around.

Okay, this one is near impossible without using one of the hints, so don't feel too bad if you couldn't figure it out on your own. Normally, if you see something like LETTER = NUMBER you'd assume it's some sort of substitution cypher, and from there just figure out each letter/number in sequence. However, that's not the correct solution here- as you can see, P is equal to the number 0, which won't work in that kind of cypher (which usually goes from 1-26).
The actual solution here cares about two different factors- what number it is and how many numbers in each value there are. The reason for that is because in this particular puzzle, the numbers actually correspond to what row and column on your keyboard each letter corresponds to- P is 0 because it's in the top row (one digit) and in the last column (if you look at your keyboard, it goes from 1-0, rather than 0-9); in turn, S is 22 because it's in the middle row (two digits) and in the second column. The hints you can choose tell you that P is on the first row, but S is on the second, as well as implying that the word key has a special meaning (i.e., your keyboard). Once you've managed to figure that out, from there, you just figure out what each number's letter equivalent is, and then put them in alphabetical order.

BGM: Metis

Aggravated, Superbia gave him the old talk-to-the-hand gesture.

Just like that, she left him, walking away with no intention to come back and speak to him again. Tristitia was left alone. At least, that's what he believed, until he spied Invidia not too far away.
BGM: Medius

Invidia rested his back against the nearby metal plates. They weren't next to the voting consoles, but close enough to the stairs that they'd see anyone coming by. If Superbia came back from the consoles, they'd see her for sure.

The two of them remained silent for a few seconds.

Tristitia's hands balled up in fists. He was growing a little more peeved the longer this conversation was going on.

The two of them split, with Invidia heading off into the first hallway while Tristitia went towards the wing proper.

Just like before, the connection to Tristitia's helmet was cut off, to bring back Ancora's view of the hallway. However, Ancora's helmet no longer displayed anything this time, as if something happened to knock it offline.
BGM: Metis
There were no sounds or any visuals to be heard or seen respectively, while it should have been showing everything from her helmet's point of view once more.

Eventually, Ancora regains her sight and hearing to find Tristitia attempting to help her up. Shaken by the fact she was seemingly assaulted, Ancora hurries away from him, past Ira and Avaritia, and into the Crossroads, where she encounters Invidia. The conversation is standoffish until Ancora confides in Invidia that she was assaulted and lost consciousness. Before the two can figure out who it was the rest of the group reassembles for the vote...
BGM: Medius
Looking behind herself, Ancora noticed the rest of the group closing in. She decided to walk up the stairs before they caught up with the trio already in the Crossroads. Contrary to what one might think, nothing special happened as the group acknowledge everyone else and stepped forward for the vote. Ancora took her special spot in front of the booth with the shotgun designated for her.
BGM: Mercedis Mellitus
All cards were swiped. All helmets were affixed. At that moment, no one could move anymore.

When did that happen? She hadn't felt it for a while, but she hadn't focused on it before, having far more important matters to think about. Now that she realized that fact, though, this matter felt much more important. Unfortunately, now she was locked in, and there was very little time to think about all this.

She huffed aloud, clearly outraged at the fact she had to admit someone outmaneuvered her.

Something didn't add up completely. Eventually, Ancora realized they were missing something vital. Something that proved who it was.

The group only had about two minutes left before the timer ran out, but the silence grew over the next ten seconds or so. Everyone was thinking about what it meant.

BGM: Membrana

Ancora couldn't speak from the shock of the reveal. Was this what betrayal felt like?

She clicked her tongue. Only ten seconds remained.

Ancora hesitated.
Then she voted in the span of time it took to go from three to two, as did everyone else.

Fun detail that Ancora and Superbia's portraits are still swapped here, since Superbia still did that even if we aren't voting for either of us now.

BGM: Mercedis Mellitus
The screens above the voting consoles settled onto Tristitia's symbol. It was clear what was to follow: it was his execution. Every shotgun but the victim's released their hold, leaving the participants to witness the macabre outcome.

Time slowed down. Eventually, everything froze.
BGM: Memoria

Lock #1 obtained.